Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Hi I am Mikey...

I weigh 57.5Kg and I am 5ft7" and I am a little weird

I don't think I am particularly weird looking as you may get to see (photo maybe - if I feel brave one day) at some point during my posts. I just think that my personality can sometimes be a little off compared to others of my age group.

Now being a weight of 57kg at my height isn't particularly light for a cyclist if I am honest and if I am even more honest, it is just far to light for me... I need to be around 59Kg otherwise I tend to run out of energy on the longer training rides.

So far this year I have not competed at all, I messed up the winter and didn't really train a whole lot and what little training I did do was all in level 1. However over the next 6-7 weeks I am in the process of playing catch up with the rest of my peers. I am already 4weeks into a training program (self prepared) - in other words I am a self coached cyclist. Being a self coached cyclist has its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Understand the coaching your self
  • Cut the risk of burnout
  • Seeing as your the coach better communication between you and coach
  • Both you and coach understand what you mean when you give an R.P.E figure (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
  • If the info you consume is correct better quality of training when used properly

  • Seeing things from a cyclist and a coach point of view at the same time can be confusing
  • Reading the coaching materials
  • Understanding good and bad training
So obviously there is quite a mix of things there but if you work on the disadvantages and have a clear set of goals in your racing season then its really beneficial to coach your self.

So this is my bike...

It has 105 throughout, Ultegra wheels and Schwalbe Blizzard tyres. The bike is by far the best training bike I have had to date or even ridden, and what is even better is I built her my self :D

Doo Notice how I said TRAINING BIKE this bike will not go round corners like my Giant TCR (photos to come) so I leave the Forme as my training bike and the TCR as my race bike.

BYE 4 NOW...
Anyways I am pretty much done talking about Me + Equipment tonight so I am gonna post this and get some sleep and hopefully during the day time tomorrow, post another that continues this post :D

1 comment:

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